Solana: `Error: destinationAmountSwapped is zero‘ Raydium CurveCalculator

Understanding the Solana Curve Calculator Error: destinationAmountSwapped is zero

The infamous destinationAmountSwapped error! This is a common problem when working with the Solana Curve Calculator, and troubleshooting it can be frustrating. In this article, we will learn what this error means, how to recognize it, and most importantly, how to fix it.

What is destinationAmountSwapped?

The destinationAmountSwapped error occurs when a swap request has a swapped destination amount (i.e. the amount being sent to the reserve is now the one being received). This can happen in several scenarios:

  • Incorrect bid reserve: If the bid reserve of an input amount is set to 0 and you try to send it to a different reserve, Solana will swap it back to the original destination.
  • Failed swap due to baseIn or quoteReserve swap

    Solana: `Error: destinationAmountSwapped is zero` Raydium CurveCalculator

    : If baseIn or quoteReserve is swapped during a failed swap attempt, an error may occur.

Example of the problem

Let’s consider an example of using Raydium V2 SDK:

const swapResult = CurveCalculator.swap(


baseIn ? baseReserve : quoteReserve,

// some additional parameters...


Assuming baseReserve and quoteReserve are set to non-zero values, the error would occur because destinationAmountSwapped is set to 0:


"status": {

"error": [


"code": 1,

"reason": "destination amount swapped"




"data": {}


Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve this issue, you can try the following:

  • Check the quote reserve

    : Make sure quoteReserve is not set to 0.

  • Check the failed swap logs: Look for any error messages related to failed swaps in your console or Raydium UI (if available).
  • Check inputs and outputs: Double check that inputAmount is used correctly and that the swap parameters are set correctly.

Sample solution

To fix the problem, you can add a simple check before performing the swap:

const inputAmount = CurveCalculator.getBalance("input", "from");

if (inputAmount === 0) {

throw new Error("Bid reserve is not zero.");


const baseIn = baseReserve;

const quoteReserve = quoteReserve;



baseIn ? baseReserve : quoteReserve,

// some extra parameters...


Adding this check will ensure that destinationAmountSwapped is not set to zero before attempting the swap.

I hope this explanation and example will help you solve the „error: destinationAmountSwapped is zero“ problem when using Raydium V2 SDK with Solana Curve calculator!

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