Solana: How to use NPM packages that require the new web3.js?

Using NPM Packages with the New Web3.js Version: A Solana Developer’s Guide

As a Solana developer, you are likely familiar with the popular Solana Explorer, which is a key tool for monitoring the health and usage of your Solana wallet. However, when using the latest version of Solana Explorer (Solana v0.20.17 or later), it is reported that some NPM packages require an older version of Web3.js (Web3.js < 2.0.0). In this article, we will walk you through the steps to update your dependencies and ensure seamless use with the new versions of Web3.js.

Why does Solana Explorer require a specific version of Web3.js?

The issue stems from the way Solana Explorer is designed to communicate with the Solana network. The @solana-program/compute-budget package, which is used for budgeting and transaction verification, relies on an older version of Web3.js to function properly. Unfortunately, as you may have noticed, upgrading Solana Explorer can cause these dependencies to fail.

Updating Dependencies:

To resolve this issue, we will walk you through the process of updating your NPM packages that require new versions of Web3.js. The exact steps will vary depending on your specific project setup and package configurations.

Solana: How do I use NPM packages that require the new web3.js?

Step 1: Update @solana-program/compute-budget to a compatible version

First, make sure you have @solana-program/compute-budget installed as a partner dependency in your package.json file:

"dependencies": {

"@solana-program/compute-budget": "^2.0.0-beta.1"


If a previous version is already listed, you can remove it and upgrade to the latest beta version:

"dependencies": {

"@solana-program/compute-budget": "^3.0.0-beta.1"


Step 2: Update other dependencies that require Web3.js

Depending on the specific requirements of your project, you may need to update other NPM packages that rely on older versions of Web3.js. Some examples:

  • @solana/web3.js: Install the latest version (Web3.js ≥ 4.9.0) using npm:

npm install @solana/web3.js@>=4.9.0

  • compute-budget: Upgrade to a compatible version as mentioned above.
  • @safeflix/fetch-api: Install the latest version (Fetch API < 2.1.5) and update your package.json file accordingly.

Step 3: Verify changes after updating dependencies

After making these updates, verify that your project’s NPM packages are compatible with the new versions of Web3.js by checking for peer dependency errors in your package.json files or using a tool like npm ls.


Updating your NPM packages to use new versions of Web3.js may require some effort and flexibility. However, following these steps will ensure that you can continue to use the latest Solana Explorer features with compatible dependencies.

If you encounter any issues during the update process, please feel free to reach out to the Solana community forums or the relevant package maintainers for assistance.

With this simple step forward, you will be able to leverage the full potential of the Solana network and build applications that showcase its incredible scalability and performance.

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