Analyzing Swaps from Raw Transaction Data: A Best Practices Guide
For developers building applications on Solana, analyzing raw transaction data is a necessary step to understand network behavior and gain valuable insights. In this article, we will look at the best practices for analyzing swaps from raw transaction data.
What are swaps?
In blockchain networks like Solana, swaps refer to transactions in which parties exchange tokens or assets. This can be a one-way swap (e.g., sending ether to a liquidity pool) or a spot swap (e.g., directly exchanging two tokens). In our context, we will focus on the first type.
Raw Transaction Data
To analyze raw transaction data, you need access to the Solana network block explorer and the ability to read binary data. The most convenient way to do this is via the
Solana CLI or a web interface such as [Solana Explorer] (
The messageLogs field in a raw transaction represents the entire message, including the swap information. However, parsing these logs can be difficult for the following reasons:
- Message Size: Swap messages are typically longer than regular transactions.
- Structured Data: Swaps often contain multiple fields, such as: E.g. token amounts, liquidity providers, and swap types.
Best Practice: Analyzing Swaps from Raw Transaction Data
To effectively analyze swaps from raw transaction data, follow these steps:
1. Identify the type of swap
Before parsing a swap message, identify its type (e.g. „UNILP“ or „LPT“). This will help you understand the relevant fields and their contents.
2. Use a JSON Parsing Library
Use a library like [json-solana]( to parse the swap message as JSON. This library provides an efficient way to work with binary data and helps reduce the parsing effort.
const JsonSolana = require('json-solana');
// Assume that "swap" is a pure transactional object
const swapMessage = wait JsonSolana.deserializeFromBinaryBuffer(
// Binary buffer containing the swap message
// Convert JSON strings to JavaScript objects for easier processing
const swapData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(swapMessage));
3. Extract the relevant fields
Carefully extract the relevant fields from the parsed swap data, such as:
- token amounts (e.g.
- liquidity provider information (e.g.
Use the extracted data to create the desired output format.
4. Process raw fields
Be prepared to process any raw fields in the raw transaction report, such as: B. error messages or unknown values. This may require additional processing steps or fallback strategies.
// Example: Processing an unknown token amount field
const swapData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(swapMessage));
if (!swapData.tokenAmount) {
console.error('Unknown token amount');
// Decide how to handle the problem (e.g. ignore, throw an error)
5. Output Result
Finally, print your parsed and processed data in a suitable format, e.g. JSON or a custom UI.
const swapData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(swapMessage));
Use Case: Parsing Swaps from Raw Transaction Data
Suppose you are building an application that relies on Solana’s liquidity pool for trading. They have a raw transaction log that contains multiple swaps between users, each with different amounts of tokens and liquidity providers.
Here is how you can parse these swaps using the steps described above:
const JsonSolana = require(‚json-solana‘);
const swapMessage = await JsonSolana.