ノアとソロベアーのコラボブーツです。原宿のノアクラブハウスにて購入。一度試着したのみです。サイズは26.0〜26.5cm。イメージに合わなかったので出品いたします。ブランドにノアが無かったため、supremeにしています。Made in England. 100% suede upper. Goodyear welt with patented Solovair sole technology. UK Sizes - if you wear a US size 9, buy a UK size 8. Founded under the name NPS by five men in the village of Wollaston, Northamptonshire, known for its shoe industry, Solovair originally outfitted the British Army and later became the shoe that defined counterculture England through the 1990s.NOAH noahNOAH NYC noah nycNOAHCLOTHING noahclothing