[Unused, Stored at Home] I’m selling a Warhammer 40k Space Marines Librarian in Phobos Armor miniature. The Librarian is a powerful psyker, and the Phobos Armor is specialized for stealth missions. Although unused, it has been stored at home, so if you are particularly sensitive about product condition, please refrain from purchasing. Perfect for collectors or gameplay!
ウォーハンマー40k スペースマリーン ライブラリアン(フォボスアーマー装備)のミニチュアを出品します。ライブラリアンは強力なサイカーであり、フォボスアーマーはステルスミッションに特化しています。このモデルは未使用ですが、自宅保管品となりますので、商品コンディションに神経質な方はご遠慮ください。コレクションやゲームプレイにぴったりのアイテムです!
[Unused, Stored at Home]
I’m selling a Warhammer 40k Space Marines Librarian in Phobos Armor miniature. The Librarian is a powerful psyker, and the Phobos Armor is specialized for stealth missions. Although unused, it has been stored at home, so if you are particularly sensitive about product condition, please refrain from purchasing. Perfect for collectors or gameplay!
#Primaris Space Marines
#Warhammer 40k